In 2003, Lovelie (now Lovelle) Joseph entered the orphanage. We know that she liked living at the orphanage and that she loved school more than anything. She was a star student and qualified easily for nursing school after completing secondary school at Maranatha. Now, 15 years after joining the orphanage family, she has graduated with honors and will be employed full time with us beginning this January. By American standards, nursing graduates from a good four-year program in Haiti are highly skilled and are also trained to repair lacerations and deliver infants safely.
Lovelle will manage healthcare at Institute Maranatha, her childhood home, overseeing hygiene and nutrition and instructing at the schools. She will see that adequate health and nutritional support is maintained at the elder community and she will take care of injuries and illness at all of our facilities. Working four times a year with our visiting medical teams in the community will be another job for her. That is a big wow!
Lovelle told us that we shouldn’t worry about how much to pay her because “I owe you so much.” Dear Lovelie, it is all of us who owe YOU so much for helping us to know that we have been doing the right thing – all of us.
Lovelle’s English is coming along well and she has developed a very good American accent. She lives with friends in the nearby city of Cap Haitien.
Spared from the Earthquake
The earthquake in October resulted in the loss of life and considerable damage in the nearby city of Port-de-Paix. As in previous earthquakes and flooding, Maranatha escaped with no damage, due in part to good location and construction.
Super Sale
Huge congratulations to the Friends of the Ford Foundation of Albemarle (Va) for having the yard sale of the century! They raised almost $17K in one weekend (after many months of preparation), with 50 volunteers participating. Another wow!
The yard sale will be followed by a handicrafts sale later this month, featuring some of the artwork by our friend Sadrac, the artist whose flowers you have seen adorning the cottages at the Elder Village. Stay tuned to Facebook for more information — coming soon.
Laptops Delivered
College students, graduates of the Institute Maranatha, received top-grade refurbished laptops. There were 10 computers donated recently. Two recipients were orphans, just like Lovelle, moving along in the world thanks to your gifts. Computers are always welcome as donations. We carry them to Haiti ourselves on our medical team visits.
Be a Ford Foundation Fundraiser
Just in time for Giving Tuesday, the Ford Foundation will be a Facebook-approved charity soon. This means you can host your very own online fundraiser and share with friends, family and other connections. Stay tuned for more details. In the meantime, if you have not selected the Robert Ford Haitian Orphanage and School Foundation as your Amazon Smile charity of choice, please do so!
Be sure to visit us on Facebook. As always, every penny we receive is disbursed without deduction directly to Institute Maranatha. Mesi!
in one of the hundreds of new uniforms made in the
technical school
sponsored by Foundation donors. white dress